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The Big Gamble facing the Lake District

The government is still endorsing a project to build Europe's largest nuclear power plant just two miles from the Lake District National Park. As the Japanese have discovered at Fukushima, accidents can unfortunately happen. The Lake District's Moorside plan is for three PWR nuclear reactors. The gamble is over the risk to Cumbria's Tourism livelihood. The Lake District generates over £1 billion tourism expenditure a year. The project is organised by a consortium called Nugen....
Both the Lake District National Park Authority and Friends of the Lake District have not opposed the idea of a new nuclear power plant. Friends of the Lakes have only voiced concern at the impact on the landscape of new pylons and the impact of the building on landscape. They state they are not anti-nuclear and appear un ruffled by the risks of contaminating Lakeland in the event of an accident.
News Latest:
November 2018 Toshiba closes down its support for Moorside leaving the project looking for private sector backers provided UK taxpayer/consumer subsidy can tempt investors. And the Lake District leaders look like falling for £1 million a year bribe to also take the radioactive waste.

The risk is low, but in the event of any of the reactors, or the nearby Sellafield Highly Radioactive Waste stores suffering criticality...over half the Lake District could be a No Go Zone for at least 20 years.(See mapping of 30 kilometre Zone) Those who remember the fells being off limits for the Foot and Mouth crisis need to be aware any nuclear accident ban would be for decades. Also recall how many years sheep farmers had to screen their flocks for radioactive contamination on the Cumbrian fells, and that was from a nuclear accident over a thousand miles away at Chernobyl. Tens of thousands of people are still in temporary housing four years after the Fukushima accident. (See the official progress report on the 30 year nightmare Japan is trying to deal with.)

So we approached the Cumbria Tourist Board to ask if they had considered this mega gamble. Their spokesman replied in July 2015: "With regards to the proposals for Moorside, as yet we have not made any submissions to the consultation process, our position is still being considered by our Board and we will feed into this process in due course." Ironically this same Tourism Board had objected to a solar power park proposed at Bothel, some 15 miles outside the National Park. However the Board receives over £2 million in funding from a variety of public sector bodies and partnerships.
Moorside will not be built without massive subsidies from the UK taxpayer and the promoters being given a guaranteed 'strike price' of double the current cost of generation for 35 years.

If Moorside is not built, thousands of jobs will still be secure at the Sellafield complex because of the decades long work on decommissioning nuclear facilities and repackaging nuclear waste.
Details of the Moorside proposals here on Wikipedia:

In July 2016 Cumbria County Council stated that council is supportive of the Moorside plans in principle, as it recognises the considerable economic benefits that can be realised for the economy through NuGen's investments in a new nuclear power station at Moorside. Cabinet was clear that this investment must be accompanied by appropriate parallel investment in infrastructure and community facilities in order to mitigate the impacts of the development, such as the need for investment in the county’s roads and infrastructure to deal with a significant increase in the volume of traffic.

See this IAEA documentary on Fukushima and the decades it will take to solve...if ever.

Map of 20 k exclusion zone from Moorside and Sellafield

Clearly they haven't heard of Fukushima or Chernobyl....The Lake District National Park supports New Nuke Reactors

Shocking news (April 2016) that the supposed guardians of the Lakes national park will be raising no major objections to plans for Europe's biggest nuclear plant just miles outside the National Park. The LDNPAuthority states in its Moorside nuclear consultation response (April 2016) : "We support the principle of a new build nuclear power station adjacent to Sellafield. The proposal would continue the long tradition of the nuclear industry in Cumbria and benefit the national and Cumbrian economy. Our support, is consistent with that offered in 2011 when this Authority commented on the National Policy Statement for Nuclear Power Generation. "

And then the Clean-up takes Centuries

2016:Thirty years after Chernobyl reactor blew up...some 200,000 people, including all of those living in the nearby town of Pripyat, remain evacuated from regions neighbouring the destroyed reactor. A 30 km (19 mile) closed ‘exclusion zone’ was imposed which is still in place.
In 2016: Euro 1.5 billion spent on the largest movable structure on Earth to temporarily seal the melted reactor area....these sort of projects take many decades....Pic from the EBRD.

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