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Campaigning for safe water in Cumbria and the Lake District

We hold regular & frequent meetings and always welcome new members

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24/8/24 Main stream media wakes up to Fluoride risks...

Please sign our petition!...https://chng.it/rhmTbdtgWs

March 14 2024: Fluoride Free Cumbria had to apologise to Cumbrian residents who were unable to access this meeting as capacity for the venue, around 70, was achieved by the start at 7pm.
It was arranged by the group to provide information to local residents following the Secretary of States instruction to reintroduce fluoride chemicals into West Cumbrian water following completion of the new United Utilities water treatment works at Williamsgate near Cockermouth.

Paul Carr, chairman of the group observed “ it demonstrates local people have very real concerns about the use of fluoride chemicals in their drinking water supply and a range of questions were put to an experienced panel throughout the evening."

January 2024: Manchester University study shows mass fluoridation has minimal benefits. Read the full report here.

The fluoridation of all water supplies in West Cumbria, Allerdale and Copeland, will restart from Willamsgate in this Autumn 2023.

The Government has decided that there is no need to consult the approximately 130,000 members of the public affected by the addition of Hexafluorosilicic Acid under the guise of fluoride. This is a policy to be rolled out in England (10% is fluoridated at the moment) and the rest of Cumbria could be next.

People living in West Cumbria, who are largely unaware this is happening by the way, have no choice in the matter and are being denied their democratic right to choose whether they want this industrial by-product added to their drinking water. It is not the pharmaceutical grade found in toothpaste and contains many contaminants such as lead, arsenic, cadmium and other carcinogens.

The CATFISH report was published on 14th November 2022. This was a five year, Cumbrian fluoridation project, which began in 2013, comparing children’s teeth between fluoridated and non fluoridated areas. Its chief researcher, Michaela Goodwin said, in an interview, prior to its publication,

“The results are surprising in that the researchers concluded that WF is not as ‘essential as it was in the 1950s when decay was so much higher. In fact, the reduction in dental decay in the fluoridated area of Cumbria was minimal. Consequently, other interventions to prevent dental decay should be initiated.”

The LOTUS study was published on the 1st of January 2024, in Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology. It was a 10 year study that started on 1st February 2010 and ended finally in August 2022. It is the first study that looked at the dental status of teenagers and adults, comparing fluoridated and un-fluoridated areas. The study found ‘exceedingly small’ reductions in caries in fluoridated areas which most people would not consider meaningful.

2022:Breaking news..The long awaited Catfish study report.

We offer our questions and answers to the County Council meeting on November 24 2021.

Some exciting news !!
We have been lobbying , for what seems like an eternity , Cumbria CC to scrutinise the fluoridation of West Cumbria. On Friday 25th. June the Scrutiny Management Board elected a Chairman for a task and finish group to do exactly that !! Considering all the evidence, International,national and local.
The Chairman is: Stephen Haraldsen.The group will be established immediately and will be made up of Councillors who are not cabinet members.
Evidence collection will start as soon as the group is established and a report will be produced for the SMB meeting in November with a recommendation to cabinet in December 2021.
So it's all systems go to put our case and as a starting point I have attached Joy's Case Against Fluoridation for you all to read. This will be circulated to CCC as soon as the T&F group members are known to us.
Our time has come ladies and gentlemen to stand up and be counted.This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for us to stop the fluoridation of West Cumbria by preventing the process from starting at the new water treatment works at Williamsgate and I hope and expect that you will all be up for the fight.Public awareness events ,press involvement and demonstrations are all being prepared.
I will keep you posted on developments and let you know what actions we are proposing to highlight our campaign and inform the public. Let's get ready for thefray!!

West Cumbria has intermittently had artificial fluoride in the form of hexafluorosilic acid added to its water since 1968.


Take part in this important survey as fluoridation decisions are to be handed away from local authorities and moved to central government. REMEMBER to sign the back of the form, along with your house number and postcode, for verification purposes. Then send your completed survey to cumbrianhealthconcerns@gmail.com

To learn more about objections to water fluoridation see FAQ
To take personal action see HOW CAN I HELP?
To assist the work of Fluoride Free Cumbria, FFC, see CONTACT
To catch up on recent developments see NEWS
Useful summary of why fluoridation of water supplies is a concern.
More information on the issue...

OUR DAILY DOSE, a film by Jeremy Seifert from Jeremy Seifert on Vimeo.

The Fluoride Deception: An Interview with Christopher Bryson

fluoridefreecumbria net

Watch this Professional Perspectives on Water Fluoridation

Listen to the Fluoride Song!

Lighthearted song on the topic